Netica Symonette

It took some effort to get Netica Symonette into the studio. She refused the first time I asked her. But we felt she was important to include and several people had recommended we include her so I asked again… and then again. Finally, perhaps just to get me to stop asking her, she agreed. Reluctantly. … Continue readingNetica Symonette

Nicki Kelly

While at our studio to be photographed for the Bahamian Project, veteran journalist and columnist Nicki Kelly reminisced about the refurbishment of the Villa Doyle – now The National Art Gallery of the Bahamas (NAGB). … Continue readingNicki Kelly

Reverend Earle Francis

When we arrived the reverend was sitting on the couch wearing a king’s crown. He greeted us with a jovial smile. The house was filled with young people, the youngest of whom were his grandchildren, the others were members of his congregation and choir. When informed of our intent to photograph the reverend for the Bahamian Project, three of the girls stood up and began to sing a song in his honour – “Here’s To A Man”. … Continue readingReverend Earle Francis

Percy ‘Vola’ Francis

One of the oldest, largest and most popular Junkanoo groups is the Shell Saxons Superstars, which has been led by Vola Francis for about 50 years. His leadership skills, drive, passion and exuberance has brought the Saxons many a win. Vola, who can always be found at the head of the group leading the charge down Bay Street, has become well-known for dressing in kingly garb, adorned with a magnificent crown and scepter. … Continue readingPercy ‘Vola’ Francis