Anthony Lee

Most of Anthony Lee’s customers don’t even know his name.

But they know his face, they know his wide beaming smile and they know that every morning from 7am to 11am he will be standing at the corner of Shirley Street and Mackey Street selling his phone cards.

Anthony, at his new location at the Montague Beach, Eastern Road junction

If you are one of his “regulars” as he calls his repeat customers (and he has many loyal customers) then you are familiar with the spirited greetings he offers in the middle of the street.

He had been suggested to us by a few people as some one who should be included in The Bahamian Project because he exemplifies the positive Bahamian spirit. With his cheerful disposition and grand gestures he brings a smile to many as they trudge along in their vehicles during morning rush hour traffic.

In the studio, we told him we wanted to capture the energy and attitude he displays when working… so to get in the mood he pulled up some music on his phone. And soon, he was swaying back and forth to vintage Motown melodies.

That’s right, he likes the oldies.

We talked a little about crime and social problems. He said there is a lot of crime but there are also a lot of good, hardworking people, like him, who are trying to make an honest living and stay away from trouble. He says he avoids people and things that cause confusion or negativity but he tries to learn something from everyone.

A friend of mine who travels that route told me she refuses to buy phone cards from anyone else. Another friend said Anthony’s uncontained cheerfulness rubs off on him during his morning drive to work.

Through his genuine smile and friendly antics Anthony connects with people as they drive past him, and he has made a difference in the ways that he can.

17 Replies to “Anthony Lee”

  1. He indeed exemplifies the Bahamian spirit. If he could bottle his attitude and energy he would be a millionaire. Kuddos to Anthony Lee for bringing a smile to our faces each morning and confidence that there are still great people out there.

  2. he hails me every morning and makes my day. i have never bought anything from him but he makes sure to wave and make sure i hear him say " eyyyy" makes my mornings.

  3. Well done we need more examples and role models for the young folk to exemplfy. Beaming smile says it all!!

  4. I am a Bahamian – but now live in the UK. Two years ago my whole family (11 of us) visited Nassau, for most of them it was their first visit to my homeland. One of the things that they all still talk about is 'Anthony' – a true inspiration, his happy smiling face and songs always come up in conversation when they talk about Nassau!! Well done Anthony you do your country proud!

  5. Yes, I do know Anthony…well like you said not his name, but definitely his smile. I see him every morning and my kids love to hear him say 'phone card, phone card' They get a kick out of it every time.

    His personality is definitely contagious!!

    Good Job Anthony!

  6. When I first moved back home and rented a place out East my Dad (an original Eastie but now a Westie for the last 20 years) warned me about the traffic. I laughed. I had no idea…. Those first few weeks I would literally cry in my car on the way to work … but Anthony put the smile back on my face. He is inspirational in many ways and now I'm one of his loyalest customers as well. Whatever job you do, do it well; whatever job you do, it's an important job; how you treat and greet people is important … Anthony teaches all of us these lessons. THANK YOU ANTHONY!

  7. He actually calls me boss lady and he doesn't know that I am actually a boss. I always said that with his enthusiasm he'd be great in my line of work.

  8. Anthony is indeed a remarkable Bahamian Ambassador. I see him twice a day as he has taken to being at the Montague now on the way home-our good fortune.
    It is increasingly more difficult to see the good in The Bahamas these days with so much horrific crime, and not enough visibly being done about it.
    We need more like people Anthony and his friend who sells the paper in the morning on Shirley Street. Both of these fine gentlemen, make this very trouble country a much better place. Thank you both!

    1. Great idea Conrad – he and the man who sells newspapers on Shirley Street should be ambassadors at the airport and on the dock – giving visitors a positive
      impression – may be the only one they get – sadly.

  9. Yes, saw him for the first time in a long time near the Montagu light yesterday afternoon, since I don't have to travel Shirley Street in the morning anymore. Never knew his name. He is an example of the true-true ol' Bahamian style, pleasant and friendly to all. We need to all be more like him.

  10. I very seldom pass this way during this time of day, but whenever I do I see Anthony (just learning his name),
    he has such a vibrant personality…always pleasant, polite and smiling!
    We need more young men like him in this country.
    I wish him well and may God continue to bless him.

  11. His attitude is unbelievable – continue in your pursuit of excellence in doing what you like most – being courteous to "everyone"…

  12. I LOVE Him! Everyday wo fail he lights up my life! He calls me SNOW WHITE! and then bows! Ocaasionally I bring him and peanut man some Guiness! Thats the least I can do! I am so glad they are recognizing his attributes and spirit! For years he's been making me HAPPY! Looking forward to the Gallery Debut! Thanks!

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